Archive for 2012
The Seven Commandements of Silicon Valley
Forbes Magazine – September 24, 2012
You may not think there are many similarities between Silicon Valley and the PEI Bioscience Cluster. Think again, as you read this Forbes article on the seven invisible ingredients for successful business ecosystems. Part of our Cluster’s success has been because our intuition has kept us paying attention to these ‘intangibles’.
Dynamic Collaboration Powers PEI’s Vibrant Bio-economy
HR Microscope – BioTalent Canada, July 2012
New Research and Development Facilities in Charlottetown
HR Microscope – BioTalent Canada, July 2012
Anne of Green Gables won’t cut PEI’s Deficit
Financial Post, May 22, 2012
Question Everything: Teaching Evidence-Based Management
Globe & Mail, March 13, 2012