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Job Seeker Resources

The PEI Bioscience cluster is a welcoming community for job seekers. We offer you some proven best practices to secure a career in the PEI bioscience community.

  1. Sign up to our mailing list to receive e-notifications of career opportunities, networking and social events here.
  2. View our PEI Bioscience Companies listfull list here.
  3. Identify bioscience companies you are specifically interested in and request key contacts from Vivian Beer at Send a letter of introduction and your resume to key contacts.
  4. Update your professional profile on LinkedIN and connect with potential bioscience employers you have an interest in.
  5. Send us a resume to add to our online resume library which is shared with CEOs/Managers and HR representatives in PEI bioscience companies.
  6. Set up a meeting in person or by telephone with our Manager, HR Strategy – Vivian Beer – if you would like to discuss your specific career goals within the bioscience community.
  7. Attend our networking and social events to introduce yourself to the community and to meet potential employers. This is an excellent strategy for opening up career opportunities, as it gives you a chance to have informal and valuable conversations.
  8. Apply for careers featured on our jobs posting page that are a good match to your background and interest.
  9. Include on your cover letter any programs you would be eligible for to support your recruitment. Check out this user-friendly chart with link to program information here.


The PEI Bioscience community has regular networking events and welcomes students, new graduates and job seekers to attend all our events. Networking is an excellent way to connect with potential employers and learn more about our community.

  • BioNetworking Events: We feature a guest speaker and a stand up luncheon each month.
  • Social events: We plan sports, holiday season and BBQ events to bring the community together.
  • Conferences: The PEI BioAlliance also hosts and co-hosts conferences. Visit our Events & Conferences section for more information.

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