PEI BioAlliance seeking expressions of interest for BioAccelerator leasing

Application form now available for companies interested in leasing BioAccelerator space
Charlottetown, PE – The PEI BioAlliance is seeking expressions of interest from companies that wish to lease space in the new BioAccelerator, due to be completed in 2025. The BioAccelerator will include 15,000 sq. ft. of R&D incubation suites, as well as four 3,000 sq. ft. biomanufacturing units for medium term leasing. It will also include 12,000 sq. ft. of pilot plant suites for process development and optimization (with a focus on fermentation and natural product chemistry) which will be available for short-term leasing. Those interested can submit their interest through the BioAccelerator lease application form.
Earlier this year, the Governments of Canada and Prince Edward Island announced a $50 million investment in the BioAccelerator, the largest single investment in economic development infrastructure in PEI history. Situated in the BioCommons Research Park in Charlottetown, the BioAccelerator will be a unique multi-function facility with 75,000 sq. ft. of biomanufacturing space that will provide facilities and services to researchers, entrepreneurs, and bioscience-based companies operating along the full continuum from research and product development, process development, manufacturing scale-up, and biomanufacturing skills and training. The BioAccelerator will be a biomanufacturing centre of expertise and a national asset, and support bioscience-based research and development in Atlantic Canada.
Tenants in the BioAccelerator will include early-stage companies, small, and medium-sized enterprises from Atlantic Canada, across Canada, and from international locations. It will also include the facilities and expertise of the National Research Council of Canada’s atypical fermentation labs as well as the Canadian Alliance for Skills and Training in Life Sciences (CASTL), providing hands-on biopharmaceutical manufacturing training for the talent pipeline that will be essential to Canada’s Biomanufacturing and Life Sciences Strategy. The BioAccelerator will be CASTL’s national headquarters and expanded lead training facility.
The BioAccelerator will be operated by the PEI BioAlliance. Once detailed engineering design is complete, construction tenders will be issued and awarded, with construction expected to be completed by end of 2025.
For more information on the BioAccelerator, visit