Philly beckons Atlantic Canadian bioscience leaders

From June 3 to 6, an Atlantic Canadian delegation will join other prominent bioscience organizations and investors from around the globe for the 2019 BIO International Convention and Trade Show, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. BIO is the world’s largest show of its kind, drawing more than 16,000 attendees to the annual event.
At BIO2019, the Atlantic Canada Bio-Industries Alliance will promote the steadily growing bioscience sectors of each the four Atlantic provinces. The aim is to increase export sales by Atlantic Canada’s businesses, get more of their technologies to market, attract further investments, hire additional talented employees, and showcase the achievements and capabilities of Atlantic Canada’s sector.
Today, Atlantic Canada’s bioscience sector employs more than 3,000 workers and represents $655 million in revenue from upward of 200 companies and at least 50 research organizations. Over the years, the provinces have developed complementary strengths: in Newfoundland (marine biotechnology and human genomics), in New Brunswick (agriculture and bio-resources), in Nova Scotia (marine, health, bio-medical and general biotechnology) and on PEI (pharmaceutical manufacturing, diagnostics, natural health products, animal and fish health ).
Tieos Pharmaceuticals, a bioscience company based in Moncton, New Brunswick, has been chosen by national industry association BIOTECanada as one of four competitors in the Coast to Coast Competition at BIO2019. Tieos Pharma will find out which company takes the top title when the competition is held on stage in the Canada Pavilion on June 5, 2019.
In addition to business meetings, networking opportunities at BIO2019, the Atlantic Canadian delegation will also have an exhibition presence within the Canada Pavilion, which unifies companies and research organizations from other regions of the country.
Funding support for the mission is provided by the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA) and the four Atlantic provincial governments through the Atlantic Trade and Investment Growth Agreement. The Atlantic Canadian mission was coordinated by the PEI BioAlliance, on behalf of the Atlantic Canada Bio-Industries Alliance. The Atlantic Canada Bio-Industries Alliance is an umbrella organization comprised of BioNB, BioNova, the Newfoundland & Labrador Association of Technology Industries (NATI) and the PEI BioAlliance.
Among other Atlantic Canadian participants, the official delegates of the Atlantic Canadian mission at BIO2019 include representatives from each of the following:
Appili Therapeutics
Atlantic Cancer Research Institute
BioMedica Diagnostics Inc.
Center for Aquaculture Technologies
Government of New Brunswick
Innovation PEI
New Brunswick Institute for Research, Data and Training (NB-IRDT)
New Brunswick Health Research Foundation
Neurodyn Cognition Inc.
PEI BioAlliance
PhotoDynamic Inc.
Sequence Bio
Tieos Pharmaceuticals
Torigen Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Université de Moncton
VetNOW – One Health Solutions
Vitalité Health Network
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For more information about the Atlantic Canada mission to the BIO 2019 International Convention and Trade Show, contact:
Rory Francis
Executive Director, PEI BioAlliance
(902) 367-4400